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Weighted Lunge (Split Squat) 3-3-3+EMOM 10min6 Burpee6 Single Arm DB Push Press
8 rounds of Squat, Rower, Pullups, Sit-ups and pushups – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds rest between each round
200m run4 strict pullups8 kipping pullups5 Rounds
Three rounds for time of:135 pound Hang power clean, 15 reps15 Burpees
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Chest-to-bar pull-upBox jump, 30 inch boxGHD sit-up
5 Bar Muscle Up10 Toes to Bar15 Box JumpBroad Jump 30m3 Rounds